It does – and research has proven that it does much effectively than other traditional forms of marketing and advertising. Let’s take you to the good ole’ basics of what advertising does. Simply; it persuades people. To make their decision to make a purchase or not . else, just to make them understand and learn about an existing brand, product, service or anything for that matter. Influence; does it more naturally. Let’s take an example: while watching an ad seeing a musician trying to convince you for using a shampoo that’ll get you rid from dandruff, do you believe and put your trust into his sayings, there and then? Course not. You don’t. But, you’d take those wonders into consideration if they’re coming from someone who holds some significance to you. It could be your cousin, friend, or girlfriend for that matter – and yeah, maybe your favorite social media celebrity, blogger or vlogger, but why? Because these guys come off as more real and authentic to you. That’s the overall beauty of influence advertising. You hear about it; from the people who matter to you. You listen and consume that content from people that you, yourself, have chosen to listen. And what happens? It takes the persuasion to a whole next level – because you trust that person. Easy, right?


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